Comparing The Sisters In Everyday Use And The Metamorphosis

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Both Walker’s “Everyday Use” and Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis” shows a relationship between siblings and parents. The siblings in “Everyday Use”, Maggie and Dee, have a strained relationship because of their difference and that does not change throughout the story. The siblings in “The Metamorphosis”, Gregor and Grete, have a loving relationship in the beginning that does however turn sour throughout the story. Mama in “Everyday Use” loves her daughter’s equally but has a closer relationship with Maggie. The parents in “The Metamorphosis” however turn abusive towards their son after his transformation and loving and caring towards Grete. The siblings in Walker’s “Everyday Use” have a strained relationship. This can be seen in the beginning …show more content…

His parents cannot bear to look at him and are violent towards him. However, Grete showed affection for Gregor. She took care to notice what Gregor’s likes and dislikes were, became his spokesperson, and the only link between Gregor and his parents. She is very considerate and believes Gregor will be more comfortable if the furniture is removed so that he is able to move around more. From this, we can see a loving and caring relationship between brother and sister. However, Gregor doesn’t want his furniture removed and his reactions provoke his father to attack him, changing his relationship with his sister. Unlike Maggie and Dee whose relationship remains consistent throughout the story, Gregor and Grete begin to drift apart. Grete no longer sees the insect as her brother and doesn’t bother to take his likes and dislikes into account. She just throws whatever food is leftover into his room. It is Grete’s job to clean Gregor’s room, however it is done so carelessly and with haste that it doesn’t make a slightest difference. The family starts filling Gregor’s room with unwanted items making it more difficult for him to move around. The change in their relationship is what ultimately leads to Gregor’s death, as he is no longer seen as her brother but as an insect and is left in his room to …show more content…

She describes Dee as sophisticated but showy and Maggie as a lame dog and practical. Nevertheless, there is a sense that Mama is closer to Maggie. Mama has left the quilts as a wedding gift for Maggie. It can be inferred that Maggie is intended to marry within their community and live a life very similar to Mama’s. That is another reason that she is closer to Maggie, because Maggie is like herself. Yet another reason is that her relationship with Dee is complex and filled with conflict. Mama is very proud of her heritage and her life, and Dee sees them as poor and uneducated. She went to school and changed her name to something that sounded more African. Even after Mama explains that her name Dee holds a deep meaning in her family, Dee insists that it was a name given by white slave owners. This shows that Mama and Dee do not have the “closeness” that Mama and Maggie have due to them seeing the world in two different

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