The Menstrual Period: Becoming a Woman

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The Menstrual Period When little girls are in the process of growing into women, there are certain changes that take place. The first major change that will take place is puberty. Puberty is a stage in life when girls will begin to mature both mentally and physically. The physical aspect of maturation will be changes of your body, such as, growing breast, growing body hair, widening of hips, weight and height gain. Puberty takes place at different times for different people, and takes longer for some than it does for others. Puberty is often a hard time, emotionally, especially with female, because of uncertainty and the drastic changes of the body. The reason that young girls begin going through puberty is because of hormones. Hormones are chemicals that are in the body, that are released when the brain tells them that it is time for the body to change, and grow. Hormones will play a big role in the way your body functions for the rest of your life. But now we will focus on how certain hormones work together to make us all beautiful women. Since you were born, you...

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