The Mechanism Of Inspiration And Expiration

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The mechanism of breathing or pulmonary ventilation consists of inspiration and expiration. In a resting person the action of inhaling and exhaling is done passively. Inspiration involves air flowing into the lungs whereas expiration involves gases leaving the lungs. The muscles involved in the act are diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The diaphragm is an essential part of the breathing process. It is a muscle located underneath the lungs and has an ascending and descending motion (Better Health Channel, 2013). Intercostal muscles are located between ribs and differentiate between external and internal. External intercostal muscles activates in inspiration whereas internal intercostal activates in expiration. The phases of breathing also involve pressure and volume Pressure includes the pressure in the alveoli known as intrapulmonary pressure and atmospheric pressure, which refers to pressure expelled by the gases encompassing the body. Volume may refer to thoracic of lung. In pulmonary ventilation, volume adjustment leads to pressure changes. Pressure change in turn leads to gases equalizing pressure. In inspiration the muscles contract hence the diaphragm descend and the rib cage ascend. There is an increase of thoracic or chest cavity capacity. Intrapulmonary pressure is decreased and thoracic intrapulmonary volume increase. Air flows along the pressure gradient equalizing to atmospheric pressure. In expiration muscles are relaxed. Thus the diaphragm rises whilst the rib cage moves down. There is a decrease in thoracic and intrapulmonary volume whilst intrapulmonary pressure increases. Air is forced to out of the lungs down the pressure gradient (Marieb & Hoehn, 2013).

Question 2:
Forced breathing differs from nor...

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...ntake of breaths. Secondly, whilst exercising there is a stronger rush of airflow into lungs that assist in clearing mucus. The purpose of mucus is protects and lubricate however it can accumulate becoming problematic (Fahy & Dickey, 2010). Excess mucus affects lung capacity causing it to decline, potentially block airway and increase risk of infections (Cavazos, 2013; Fahy & Dickey, 2010). Lastly, long-term physical activity leads to the expansion of capillaries. Capillaries are small blood vessels increasing gas exchange movement. In other words, long term exercise help capillaries increase delivery of oxygen in body and remove waste products (Cavazos, 2013). Ultimately physical activity exercise strengths the capability of the respiratory system. It assists in the maintenance of an efficient even as it is affected and decreasing in its capability due to aging.

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