The Measurements of Desertification

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The Measurements of Desertification

“Drought and desertification threaten the livelihood of over one

billion people in more than 110 countries” warned general Kofi in 2001

(Kovach,2003). Desertifications definition is highly disputed but it

is generally the shift of arid or semi-arid regions to desert-like

conditions, which support: little vegetation, a low soil fertility and

high evaporation rates (Haggett, 2001). This work will overlook how

deserts are measured by a variety of different means.

To measure the growth of deserts characteristics need to be obtained.

By creating set indicators for deserts the spread of desertification

can be gauged. Climate (Anderson,2001) is one of the larger indicators

of the spread of deserts: as you can see from appendix 1B, the worlds

deserts are in general located in and around the equatorial region and

the tropics. Due to this they are influenced heavily by the movements

of the inter-continental convergence zone (ITCZ) which generates

areas of high pressure over deserts such as the Sahara desert and due

to this there is little precipitation for the whole year (below 25mm)

(Berrahmouni, 2001). Desert zones receive little rain during a year

but when they do it is heavy and sporadic and causes much soil erosion

(Sharma,1997). So by gauging precipitation levels around arid and

semi-arid regions meteorologists can approximate as to how ‘at risk’

the area is. As without a decent supply of precipitation, soil

infrastructure and fertility will decline due to a lack of moisture

and the denaturing of the surrounding biota i.e. roots and nutrient

cycles (Sharma,1997). National monthly rainfall index (NMRI...

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Pullen, S. (2004) The Desert biome,

Carstanjen, H (1992) Managing fragile ecosystems: combating

desertification and drought,

Division for sustainable devt. (UN) (2004) Managing fragile

ecosystems: combating desertification and drought – Indicators,

Berrahmouni, N and Burgess N. (2001) Sahara desert,

Kovach, K and McGuire B (2003) Guide to Global Hazards, Philips,


Haggett, P (2001), Geography – A Global Synthesis, Prentice hall

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