The Meanings of Madame Bovary

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The Meanings of Madame Bovary

Madame Bovary is the portrait of a woman trapped in an unsatisfactory

marriage in a prosaic bourgeois town. Her attempts to escape the

monotony of her life through adulterous liaisons with other men are

ultimately thwarted by the reality that the men she has chosen are

shallow and self-centered and that she has overstretched herself

financially. In despair, Emma resolves her predicament by taking her

own life.

What should we make of this rather slight story, initially based on

the life of a real woman who, like Emma, scandalized her village with

her affairs with other men and her extravagant lifestyle? Is there a

lesson or a moral to be drawn from Emma's folly and the tragedy of her

death? Part of the difficulty - and, indeed, of the pleasure - of

reading Madame Bovary is that Flaubert refuses to embed the narrative

within an overriding moral matrix, refuses explicitly to tell the

reader what lesson s/he should draw from the text. Madame Bovary was a

novel shocking to its contemporaries because it did not appear to

articulate a clear...

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