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Effects of globalization on modern society
Impact of globalization
Effects of globalization on modern society
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The technological development that characterizes the past several decades has triggered a communications enhancement around the globe. Interconnectedness between people is greater every day; goods, services, money, and information are exchanged between the furthermost parts of the world. International travel and communication now represent ordinary aspects of life. This phenomenon is called globalization.
The term entered common vocabulary in the 1980’s and it grew so popular that the economic, political and cultural background of today is now described as “The Era of Globalization.” However, this term needs to be thoroughly clarified as it means different things to different people. To some, it is a natural phenomenon of wide-spreading economic, social, and political activities of different countries beyond their physical borders. In these people’s view, the increase in free trade and international exchange of information, labor and technology represents a beneficial process of economic development. Yet, there are others who believe globalization can damage the level of employment, the social progress and the cultural identity of a country. As a result of these divergent views on the matter, the term “globalization” and the phenomenon it names are the subject of a very strong debate.
Thus the natural question is “What exactly is globalization?” The answer is that there is no answer, or at least that there is no precise, commonly agreed upon answer. As David Dollar said in the article “Growth is Good for the Poor”, “amazingly for so widely
used a term [globalization], there does not appear to be any precise, widely agreed definition. Indeed the breadth of meanings attached to it seems to be increasing rather than narrowing over time, taking on cultural, political, and other connotations in addition to the economic.”
Even though globalization cannot be defined in a precise way, there is a widespread description of it as “the growing integration of economies and societies around the world.” Yet such a complex phenomenon cannot be properly explained by such a broad definition, as the process has implications that expand on many levels. Firstly, the evolution of systems of international transport and communication driven by technological progress has led to an increase in the circulation of money, goods, information and people. This kind of ...
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... on an IBM laptop with Windows 98. Many societies around the world can't get enough of it, but others see it as a fundamental threat."
Yet what the people involved in this dispute fail to understand is that nobody can win here. Arguments on what globalization really means or implies are useless, and so is the struggle to promote or prevent it from happening. Globalization merely happens as a natural and inevitable result of the evolution of humankind. It is a force that can be good and can as well be evil. According to Thomas Friedman, "[globalization] can be incredibly empowering and incredibly coercive. It can democratize opportunity and democratize panic. It makes the whales bigger and the minnows stronger. It leaves you behind faster and faster, and it catches up to you faster and faster. While it is homogenizing cultures, it is also enabling people to share their unique individuality farther and wider." Globalization is encountered in all aspects of social activities from the economic to the political, the cultural and even the legal. It can mean a lot of things and it cannot be defined as a singular element. In fact, what globalization means is what WE want it to mean.
Globalization is the process where societies emerge and grow increasingly interdependent, surpassing geographic, political, cultural and economic barriers. It refers to the concept where our lives are shaped by events that occur and decisions that are made at a great distance from us. Therefore, it highlights the intensification as well as the broadening of political processes in the sense that local, national and international events constantly correlate with each other.1 Today, globalization continues to affect and evolve the human landscape. From the streets of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, to the heart of Canada, Toronto, globalization left its mark and carved the present world. Factors such as technological
Globalization has several definitions, as Andrew McGrew underlines it. He uses four different ones in order to get a more complete definition. In this way globalization is defined as ‘the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shared by events occurring many miles away and vice versa’, ‘the integration of the world-economy’, the ‘de-territorialisation – or growth of supraterritorial relations between people’ and finally as ‘time-space compression’ (Giddens, 1990, p. 21, Gilpin, 2001, p. 364, Scholte, 2000, p. 46, Harvey, 1989, cited in Mc...
When the term “Globalization” is discussed, most academics, scholars, professionals and intellectuals attempt to define and interpret it in a summarized fashion. My main concern with this approach is that one cannot and should not define a process that altered decades of history and continues to, in less than 30 words. Global Shift is a book with remarkable insight. Peter Dicken rather than attempting to define the commonly misused word, explains Globalization in a clear and logical fashion, which interconnects numerous views. Dicken takes full advantage of his position to write and identify the imperative changes of political, economic, social, and technological dimensions of globalization.
Globalization is a very broad term which “encompasses all cross-border interactions, whether economic, political or cultural”(Marber 67). Even though globalization is a broad term, it is met with a lot of hostility and praise. Peter Marber’s article, “Globalization and Its Contents” seeks to explain what globalization is and what opposition it faces. Since the 1950’s, life on earth has improved significantly. Individuals all over the world are living lengthier and healthier lives.
Globalization is a broad concept and the angle taken to define it can lead us to interpret the idea in many different ways. There is much controversy about what globalization actually means and many definitions fail to encompass social, cultural and technological exchanges between world systems. John Pilger suggests that "it is a jargon term which journalists and politicians have made fashionable which is often used in a positive sense to denote a 'Global village' of free trade, hi-tech marvels and all kinds of possibilities that transcend class, historical experience and ideology." (J.Pilger 1998:63). Taking a broader point of view, Bilton et al defines globalization as "The process whereby political, social, economic and cultural relations increasingly take on a global scale, and which has profound consequences for individuals, local experiences and everyday lives."
After the cold war, word ‘globalization’ was commonly used at a time of unprecedented interconnectedness when advanced nations experienced a ruthless development by exploiting energy resources and stressing culture forms in developing countries. To identify the definition of ‘globalization’, it is significant to clarify its appearance as well as implication.
Globalization refers to the absence of barriers that every country had. Yes, it has helped to demolish the walls that separated us .Globalization, which is the process of growing interdependence among every country in this planet, can be seen as a sign of hopeful and better future by some, but for others it represents a huge disaster for the whole world. That’s why we are going to see the negative effect that globalization has on culture then focus on the ethical disadvantage it brought, to finally talk about the damage it did to skilled workers.
Globalization can briefly be defined as ‘something’ that affects and changes the traditional arrangements of the state system. It is a term that directly implies change and therefore is a continuos process over a long period of time as compared to quickly changing into a wanted or desir...
Over the last couple of years, the world has become increasingly globalized. After the cold war, all parts of the world were attracted to the process of globalization. The effect of globalization is uneven in different parts of the world and globalization suggests a world full of persistent cultural interaction and exchange, contacts and connection, mixture and movement. Different people view globalization in different ways. Some people feel it has done more good than harm, while others believe it has done more harm than good. This essay will give a deep intuitive understanding of globalization, world systems, and how globalization has affected society, culture, economics, and politics.
Globalization on a broader scale, is an integration act, involving cultural, mental, political as well as economic aspects of a person, among countries. It is mostly limited to, economic integration, associated with movement of people, exchange of technology and information, trade as well as financial flows. . This is practice is clearly miles ahead, as demonstrated by the ever increasing capital flows in the world economy as well as the level of importance, the world economy has. As a result of globalization, tremendous pressure is on the nations to keep up with its demands and this has had a lot of consequences. Some pundits will tell you that these effects are only economic based,
The definition of globalization is, “Globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. Globalization results in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities. As people, ideas, knowledge, and goods move more easily around the globe, the experiences of people around the world become more
In the recent years globalization has begun to appear as one of the most predominant issues in the world. The term ‘is generally used when discussing the technology and advances in an assortment of areas including, but not limited to, everything from technology to capital. The main aspects that comprise globalization are debatable. Throughout this essay, globalization will be explored as a recent social change in our society as it relates to incorporating economic relations and incorporations political relations around the world, despite the fact that this change is often portrayed as a problematic and unequal one of the restrictions of mobile subjects and connectivity. To begin my segment, I’ll begin to discuss on some of the most important definitions of globalization. Lastly, I’ll begin to investigate the imbalanced and difficult practices that make up globalization.
Globalization is defined as “the process by which the experience of everyday life, marked by the diffusion of commodities and ideas, is becoming standardized around the world,” and as “a process fueled by, and resulting in, increasing cross-border flows of goods, services, money, people, information, and culture.” Presently, globalization has been transpiring at a rather rapid rate. While this increased rate of globalization is a recent phenomenon, globalization has been happening long before the 1980s when its name first widely became used. Since this recent acceleration of globalization people have become fascinated with the process, and consequently there have been many people who believe that globalization can be stopped. Though they may bring up some relevant points, these people ultimately fail to see that globalization has been happening since at least the Age of Exploration (15th - 17th centuries). Moreover, these people fail to see globalization as what it truly is, a process of change. Though the rapid rate at which this change is currently happening is bound to slow down over time, globalization itself cannot be stopped at this point.
Globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. Globalization results in the expansion of international, cultural, economic, and political activities. As people, ideas, knowledge, and goods move easily around the globe, the experiences of people around the world become more similar. (“Definition of Globalization“, n.d., ¶ 1)
What I am trying to show you is that globalization involves a set of movements, and that these movements are all interconnected. The first movement is economic, as you already knew. To understand it, think about your daily life. Whenever you go to a big supermarket in New York, you find basic products, such as rice and orange juice, from all over the world, from Japan to Peru; the jeans you liked in a store in London were made in China; the pair of shoes you can buy in Chicago was made in the south of Brazil; the Plasma TV you have in your living room was produced in Japan; and the car you drive every day was fabricated in Germany. The list of ways you are experiencing...