The Love Of Liberty: The Fight For Liberty

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The Fight for Liberty A famous writer by the name of William Hazlitt once said this about liberty, "The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves." There have been, and still are, many battles and debates about the whole idea of liberty. Some are all for it and thought that everyone should have this wonderful thing called liberty. However, there are others who thought that having this "wonderful" thing called liberty...isn 't so wonderful at all and others thought that certain types of liberty may be more harmful to the overall society. There were numerous historical figures that argued for and against the idea of liberty itself. Some of these figures include; John Winthrop, Roger Williams, and Anne Hutchinson. The differences between moral liberty and natural liberty were best defined by Winthrop while Hutchinson and Williams worked on presenting multiple challenges toward the accepting views that many held to when it came down to liberty. Liberty can be described as natural and moral. The ideas behind natural liberty were reintroduced by a man named Adam Smith. According to an online article, his idea was this, …show more content…

However, he was not a fan of fully forcing them into it. Winthrop loved the idea of the people obeying the specific religious rules/laws but only of the Puritan faith of course. Winthrop believed that this liberty (moral liberty) is maintained and exercised in a way of subjection to authority; it is of the same kind of liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free (Foner 77). He uses this example to explain the liberty being presented. Christ had to subject to His authority (God) in order to die on the cross and make everyone free from sin (if they chose to be). Winthrop says in the same sense, we must submit to authority so we are being compared to Christ and the governing authorities are

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