The Lottery Compare And Contrast Essay

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“The morning of June 27 was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.” A murder ritual takes place here. This quote is from the short story, “The Lottery” that is an extraordinary short story and still is today. “The Lottery” is written by a female author named Shirley Jackson, who was born on December 14, 1916 in San Francisco, California, and sadly passed away on August 8, 1965. “The Lottery” came out in 1949, but then, nearly half a century later, a movie adaptation is made from this short story in 1996 that is not exactly the same as the short story. Although the movie adaptation is based off the short story “The Lottery”, there are some differences between the two, such as the characters and the audience’s reaction, but there are also some similarities such as the plot.
A difference between the short story and the movie adaptation is the characters. In the short story, Mr. Summers and Old Man Warner are two different characters, but in the movie adaptation, Mr. Summers and Old Man Warner are combined to make Mayor Summers. A quote …show more content…

From 1949 to 1996 to now, the way people see a story or movie has changed tremendously because of the change in violence. When the short story, “The Lottery” was written , the thought of this was awful, but the thought of this was different in 1996. Back in 1949, violent events are rare, but closer to the 21st century, violent things start to occur more often. When Shirley Jackson’s short story was published, people were so astonished that a human being could write that. Shortly after her short story coming out, people started to take back their prescription from the New Yorker, and they also started to send her many death threats per day. Since the time of the short story coming out, America has experienced more violence, making people in America not angry when they watch this

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