The Loss of Connection

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The age of technology has meant lots of modern comforts. Instant heat, cold, coffee, and communication are no longer luxuries in this day and age. Instead, they are expected as necessities of any civilized person in current Western culture. In recent history we have gained accessed to instant and constant communication with anyone and everyone. While this is wonderful for the youth pastor wanting to communicate the details of church events to kids and parents, it lacks depth and true connection. Sheer quantity of communication is no substitute for quality connection. By-and-in-large, we have lost the art of quality connection. Even when real connection does happen, it is usually on a peer-to-peer level. Occasionally, a youth worker with a passion for teens will make a long lasting connection, but this is a small percentage compared to the sheer number of teenagers in youth ministries today.

What happened?

Has it always been this way?

More importantly, what does this loss of connection with young people mean for people doing youth work today? What can youth workers do about it?

Fortunately, or unfortunately (depending on your perspective), this has not always been the case. From the beginning of recorded time people have thrived on deep, intergenerational connections. In those days many generations of one family lived under one roof. Children were surrounded by adults who loved them and helped shape them into adults. Both parents usually worked at home and grandparents were an integral part of the kid’s spiritual formation. Even when a man set out to work away from home he usually joined a guild or became an apprentice. These smaller close knit communities helped to pass along the values and standards of the whole. The ...

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... a youth and an adult that is not limited by a specific time frame. Instead, the mentor has the potential to remain a viable influence in the life of the mentee after the next milestone. Mentoring provides a means of sharing the burden of spiritual development among the body of believers in the local church.

As youth workers we cannot force these connections. But we can foster and encourage mentoring relationships. Running a mentoring program is not the first step. You need to look at how are you currently fostering lasting connections between youth and adults? If you are at a loss the next step is consider what it would take to change the culture from a age-segregated group of Christians to a connected body of Christ. If you believe mentoring is a good solution, then look for a program to help connect kids with caring adults.

You can be part of the solution.

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