The Lonely Good Company Of Books Summary

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Just because a person reads a lot of books doesn 't technically make that person a good reader. Richard Rodriguez clearly emphasizes this in his article The Lonely, Good Company of Books published in 1982 from The Hunger Of Memory: The Education Of Richard Rodriguez. As a child Richard did not like reading he saw "reading at best, as only a chore".(Rodriguez pg.227) Not truly understanding the pleasures and education he could gain from reading books.
When Richard first got into school he realized reading was one of the main activities in school, so he knew he would be doing a lot of reading throughout school. This was a problem for him, because he had a fear of reading and it didn’t help that as child Richard 's parents only read books to gain knowledge about something such as manuals and newspapers he never saw them "read for pleasure". (Rodriguez pg.227) As school went on he was placed in a remedial class with a nun as the teacher. She helped him to get over his fear of reading alone and this gave him the will to read more and more books.
As time …show more content…

High school is where I had gained an awareness about how what I 'm learning in school is going to benefit me in the real world. I learned an retain a variety of information because the things that I did learn I felt like you would need to know to survive in the real world. A perfect example of this is driver 's ed where I learned to drive something that I do everyday frequently. Another reason why I learned and retain so much I because when I got into high school is around the same time I got my first job. This definitely opened the door in showing me how what I 'm learning in school applies to everyday work activities such as knowing and counting money this is where math comes in. Being able to talk and communicate writing and verbally this is where English comes in. All things that I needed to do in everyday

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