The Life of Atahualpa

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It is believed that Atahualpa was born for the year 1500, in Cajamarca, now knows as Peru. His parents were Huayna Capac and Tocto Coca. Atahualpa was a respectful person, because to his very early age, he showed the people to be a very intelligent and bravely person. His father and Willac Umu who was the great priest of the Sol died around the year 1525, Atahualpa´s dad delivered the red mascaypacha to Huáscar, who got Cuzco's kingdom and to Atahualpa the kingdom of Quito. Initially there was peace between both kings, but in the king of Huascar there were people that didn´t want him and Atahualpa expanded his kingdom, making big battles and a big loosing of life between those kingdoms.
Huascar also wanted to expand his king. So he called his brothers by dad´s blood to the Cusco, making an excuse of supposedly Huayna Capac's mummy was going to come to Cusco. Noble faithful persons to Atahualpa told him that he should not go, because he could be kill, so Atahualpa send delegates represented him and of course they die with other people.
Atahualpa was convinced by the nobility Incas of Quito and Tumibamba that he had to fight against Huáscar. So a great army was prepared that was in charge of generals Quisquis, Calcuchímac and Rumiñahui, and they also did a ceremony, to put it on a red mascaypacha, for recognize Atahualpa the new sovereignly of Tahuantinsuyo.
At the beginning Atahualpa had many defeats, but this didn´t stop him, on his way to Cusco, in charge of his generals. The most important battle that they had was the battle of Chontascaxas, where the people of Quito took prisoner to Sapa Inca. So Atahualpa´s army killed many closer families of Huascar specially the descendants of Tupac Yupanqui that was the panaca Cápac Ay...

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... to be priest and guardian of his body, got the throne. He could not still going with the negotiations as his brothers, because the viceking Francisco Toledo wanted to end with the problems of Vilcabamba. So, Tupac Amaru, close the entrance to Vilcabamba, still in1572 the Spanish army could get in, but Tupac Amaru has escaped to the jungle, anyway he was captured and taken to Cusco. Here he was beheaded and his head was put in a public place, for that the Indias could see that to get intimidate of the Spanish.
Soon, some people went back to Spain and the commentaries and questions were presented like: if Pizarro had the legal right to invade Peru, to take Atahualpa hostage, to kill thousands of people and to take their gold. So the excuse was that Atahualpa, usurped the throne to his old brother Huáscar, but this was false argument because the age didn’t matter.

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