Prostitution In The Ancient World

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The law was an attempt to wipe out slave prostitution, which would dwindle the population of prostitutes down to just the poor classes. These seemingly small laws were devastating to the population and pushed the prostitutes further underground. Nevertheless emperors did attempt to wipe out the population of prostitutes using legal methods.
Marriage was a large part of the ancient world and exclusively in Rome because who a woman married could gain them citizenship into the empire. Citizenship was a large portion of the Roman empire because the persons rights went up substantially when they gained citizenship. That being said a freeborn person could not marry a slave. However, a freeborn male could marry a freeborn prostitute, even though …show more content…

The Bible asserts in Exodus 20:14, “ You shall not commit adultery.” The verse is one of the Ten Commandments and the verse does not distinguish between male and female. Simply put, it just says you. Matthew 5:27-28 goes on to say that if a man or a woman even so much as looks at another woman or man they have committed adultery. Adultery was viewed as something that could be punishable by death and that was why killing prostitutes in the act was not unheard of especially for having intercourse with a married man, even if she did not know he was a married man.
This all translated into sexuality and what Augustine believed to be the trap for men and their wandering ways, but Ovid viewed as a beautiful ritualistic movement.
Prior to the Christian Church Ovid wrote extensively on matters of the heart and body and in turn sexuality of both male and female. In his book the Amores which is a three book series that illustrates how a man can get a woman and a woman can get a man he delves into sexuality of a prostitute, but first it is interesting to see how Ovid saw the art of love or better yet the game of love. This shows how men perceived females that were not their wives, and more so their carnal lovers, such as prostitutes.
Weep: with tears you’ll move a heart of steel.
If you can, let her see your wet

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