The Leadership-Member Exchange: The Theory Of The Leader-Member Exchange Theory

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The leader-member exchange (LMX) theory focuses on a dyad relationship. This is a relationship between a leader and each subordinate which are considered independent, rather than on the relationship between the superior and the group. Each linkage, or relationship, is likely to differ in quality. Thus, the same leader may have poor interpersonal relations with some subordinates and open and trusting relations with others. The relationships within these pairings, or dyads, may be of a predominantly in-group or out-group nature.

A leader initiates either an in-group or an out-group exchange with a member of the organization early in the relationship. Members of the in-group are invited to participate in decision making and are given added responsibility. The leader allows these members some latitude in their roles. The leader and key subordinates negotiate the responsibilities in a non-contractual exchange …show more content…

God sent Jesus to be a servant leader and to die for our sins so that we may live. He did not exclude on group just because they were His favorite. He treated everyone with equality and love, no matter their race, background or culture. As Christian leaders, we must strive to be servant leaders and not like the LMX theory. It is impossible to build a successful organization if a leader treats one group of people with dignity and respect, while treating the others like outcasts. In 1 John 13:1-7, Jesus set an important example of how to be an effective servant leader. He washed the feet of his followers which showed that his motivation was love for his followers and He did not want to show he was a Master over others. He knew that he was a servant leader and washing his follower’s feet was not asked of him. However, He wanted to do it as an example to his followers to show that leaders can service others when they see the need to. This is the type of leadership every organization

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