War And Palestine Conflict Essay

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War in Palestine
` The War in Palestine has a big conflict with to major country’s effected their behavior between them. It’s called the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; these two countries have an on going struggle between the Israeli and Palestinians. The war began in the mid 20s century. In the 19th century Palestine before it became Israel was inhabited by a population approximately 86 percent of Muslim, 10 percent Christian, and only 4 percent Jewish and they were actually living in peace. In the 1800s Europe decided to take over the land of Palestine. Which is known as the Zionist. On the other hand what’s quoted on A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict, “Their goal was to Crete a Jewish homeland, and they considered locations in Africa and the Americans, Before settling on Palestine,” (Synopsis), this tells you their idea on which the European’s wanted to place the Jewish people before taking over the Palestine land. …show more content…

As quoted here, “Moreover, Arab armies did not invade Israel – virtually all battles were fought on land that was to have been the Palestinian state (Synopsis), there were battles in the Palestinian land before the Israeli took over or the Jewish People. The Palestinian and the Israeli conflict been going on forever, the reason why choose this to talk about is because I’m actually from there. Every summer I go to my country for a vacation and that’s a country I really love its very culture it has so many

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