The Israel-Palestine Conflict

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Why can’t there be peace? What prevents humans from having a lasting, worldwide peace? The answer can be found in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Jews in Europe sought a piece of land where they would be safe from persecution, and they desired it to be in Palestine, to the distaste of the Palestinians who had already been living there. The chance for unwavering peace between the Israel and Palestine has diminished since the start of the struggle between them, and at this point in time peace is only a dream that will never become a reality. The reason for this is the arrogance and pride of both groups as well as the surrounding countries and other nations that have attempted, or haven’t attempted, to intervene.
Due to the “spoiling” of Israel, the goal of “two states living side by side in peace and security” (Source 7, Barack Obama) will never be accomplished. In 1917, after people had seen the persecution of Jews in Europe, such as Alfred Dreyfus, who was framed and found guilty for treason, it was decided that a secure home would be created for Jews, and it was to be in Palestine: “His majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people” (Source 1, Balfour Declaration). Thousands of Jews, seeing that their pleas for a refuge were answered, migrated to the region, angering the Palestinians, who rightfully occupied the land since the 9th century. After the Holocaust, tons of more Jews poured in, encouraged by the UN’s Partition Plan of 1947 which divided Palestine into a Jewish state and Palestinian Arab state, giving the “well organized, determined, and well funded” (One Land, Two People, 2) Jews the land and independence they so greatly longed for. As we can see in Sourc...

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...rael will continue to ignore the rights of Palestinians and carry out unjust actions against the mandates of the Balfour Declaration. Consequently, peace will never transpire between the two.
It is the pampering of Israel, Israel’s failure to adhere to its early agreements, the lack of outside intercession, and the dishonesty of Palestine that makes this entire effort the hopeless desire that it is. Ever since the conflict began, relations have gradually deteriorated and down the road, it does not seem likely that these two groups of people will ever be able live in the harmony that many wish for. When one side finally seems ready to negotiate, the other either does something that dissolves any diplomatic advances or simply refuses to cooperate. It is best said in the words of Benjamin Netanyahu: “Peace requires reciprocity. It cannot be a one-way street” (Source 8).

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