The Influence of Television and Technology in Society

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Is modernization the degradation of imagination; and thus, destroy what has been created in the past? It appears that with the advancement we have the privilege and opportunity to do things better but to what effect to human society? There appears to be a concern of moral and spiritual affect of what, and how we as society got to this point! Television has conveyed numerous adjustments to the way many people squander their leisure time. Some changes are beneficial; while others may be more poisonous to the mind. Television is so much more powerful because it is able to reach more people at one time. Society also reflects what is publicized on television in various areas, as well as ways. Many individuals have turned their routines in accordance with their desired television programs. In addition, children intend to schedule their homework assignments in advance to be able to watch the most popular show. Television has become so addicted people deprive themselves of almost anything just to watch the most talked about shows. This day and time, the generation has been brought up on technology. Technology is everywhere, and used for everything. There is definitely a controversy on the modernization that this new society has brought. Technology of the television is no better than a cigarette; it’s easy to do and a hard habit to knock. Marshal McLuhan stated that, “Television is teaching all the time, it does more educating than the schools and all the institution of higher learning”. Television is seeping up are society while educational learning is falling behind. Our American culture and society are constantly being influenced by television and its content. Television seems to be the most popular thing to do, for people to amuse... ... middle of paper ... ...ed on the screen, people must learn to choose wisely, morally, and spiritually what we allow ourselves, and our households to watch. Although, television offers positive learning, individuals should encourage more content focusing on education. Society displays what is seen on television, I think less violence should be portrayed on television, and more learning capable shows. I find it interesting working education that students can learn all the lyrics to a song by watching a music video. But if you ask a student to read they claim it’s too complicated. Marvin Minsky once said “Imagine what if would be like if TV actually were good. It would be the end of everything we know”. It is time for society to watch less television and include more family time in our daily routines; in order to instill those traditional moral and values that the media has stolen from us.

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