The Importance of Understanding and Interpreting Leisure Trends and Forecasts for Leisure Managers, and Provide Examples of Their Use

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The Importance of Understanding and Interpreting Leisure Trends and Forecasts for Leisure Managers, and Provide Examples of Their Use

The continually changing and occurring, media driven sports industry

must be fully aware of the current and upcoming trends which occur and

impact youth and society. To develop an insight into the relationship

between both understanding and interpreting leisure trends and how

this directly implicates leisure managers they need to be completely

aware of how their ideas will be interpreted by the public. The

concept of understanding and interpreting leisure trends comes from

the basis of being able to recognise and have vital information, which

can be interpreted accurately. From these accurate decisions, new

plans can be made, for the future with knowledge that success is a

likely outcome. The idea of success is strongly associated to

planning, which involves the knowledge and experience of being able to

research and estimate previous and new leisure trends, all this with

the assurance of recognition.

From this the everyday changes, which occur, give way for forecasting

and the needs of leisure providers' participants to become recognised

and further advanced in terms of their expectancies. This means that

managers need to be able to supply their clients with their demands in

order for survival and new competitive business propositions. Veal

(1994), page 135, says there is a large interest in the need for

demand forecasts among the commercial sector; this is shown by the

changes that occur. In the public sector the changes in population and

the economy forces pressures on new medium for long-term future

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