The Importance of Interpersonal Relationships

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There comes a point in one’s life when one needs to be touched and consoled by another. In the quest for belonging, one seeks to understand who and what they are, and one can only determine their existence through interpersonal relations. Interpersonal relationships are an essential part of our everyday life. Not only do they provide us with distinct characteristics of whom and what we are, but they enable us to understand and relate with others. When we master the art of relating and creating healthy relationships, our world around us becomes relatively easy to cope with, and we find a sense of our true belonging. In this paper, I will discuss the importance of interpersonal relations, and how they play an important role in the successes of school, work, and church. I will also apply the holding, eye-to-eye validation, attachment, embeddedness, and idealization relational dimensions provided by Ruthellen Josselson as well as concepts from David DeCenzo and Beth Silhanek’s textbook Human Relations: Personal and Professional Development to affirm my statements provided in this paper. I will also incorporate theoretical perspectives gathered from two scholarly articles, the Journal of Organizational Behavior and Social Psychology Quarterly.

To start with, developing interpersonal relationships are vital to the success of one’s future. They provide one with an understanding of who they are and what they are capable of becoming. According to Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., and Redmond (2008), interpersonal relationships are defined as connections developed between two or more people through friends, family, work, church, school, marriage, and clubs (Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, 2008, p. 260). Creating and maintaining successf...

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.... J., & Redmond, M. V. (2008). Interpersonal

Communication: Relating to Others (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson

DeCenzo, D.A. & Silhanek, B. (2001) Human Relations: Personal and Professional

Development (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Joplin, J. R., Quick, J. C., & Nelson, D. L. (Nov., 1999). Attachment Behavior and Health:

Relationships at Work and Home. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 20, No. 6,

pp. 783-796

Josselson, R. (2002). The Space Between Us: Exploring the Dimensions of Human Relationships

Retrieved on June 12, 2010 from go

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O’Malley, M. N., & Schubarth, G. (Dec., 1984). Fairness and Appeasement:

Achievement and Affiliation Motives in Interpersonal Relations. Social Psychology

Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 364-371

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