The Importance Of Workout Motivation

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Workout motivation is probably the hardest thing to do in the world. We all know we should work out a bit each week to maintain health and look and do our best. But something always comes up to distract us and even if the doctor tells us to get off our cans or else is often not enough to start us to take our exercise program seriously. Well, today we are going to look at the Zen way of motivation, which is based intrinsic motivation. After you have absorbed the material we present you may find yourself working out more and enjoying it as well.

How Zen created many of the most powerful warriors in the world

Zen is the art & Science of using the mind. This however does not mean you neglect the body though. Look at the Japanese Samurai. They were and still are considered the elite of the world’s combat arts. By using their mind in a disciplined manner they were able to overcome …show more content…

Unfortunately, many of today’s students only copy the physical movements and forgo the meditation and misogi. (Cleansing and Ascetic purification rituals of the art)

The Basic Exercises were passed down to Aikidoists today. Though the meaning of them is often not taught and they are learned by rote. 10 Dan, Koichi Tohei, increased the number of them and later went on to teach the exercises and leaving out the martial aspect of the art entirely. You can find a complete listing of with instructions on how to preform them in the following book. “Ki in Aikido A Sampler of KI Exercises”, by C.M. Shifflett.

Final Thoughts: What you can do to improve your intrinsic

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