Clothing In Society Essay

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Sociologists know that a person 's clothing - the same social alarm, as well as his speech, behavior, etc. Even those who assures us that "dresses them quite interesting," and dress as casually as possible, in fact,.. thus inform about their role in society and its attitude to the culture in which they live. It is said that modern man puts more freely and "informal". But this statement is misleading. In fact, previous conventions give way to the new. Jeans on a young man today - the same convention as the cylinder on his peers from the previous era. Modern guy may seem that he is what he wants, and he finally got rid of the tight rules of etiquette costume, which once determined the existence of people in society - yes, the old rules rejected, but they were quickly replaced by the unwritten rules of today. To understand these rules, it is necessary to look back to the origin of …show more content…

Ban men without a tie to appear in high-end restaurants are not connected with the fact that they reveal Adam 's apple, and the fact that the tie - an indicator of a certain social status. Like many other elements of a suit and tie does not act as a means of creating comfort or as a detail, something to hide, and as a sign that defines the affiliation of its owner to a clear social group. And this ancient function of clothing retains its significance even today. That is why the colorless, highly practical tunics space-age people who are familiar to us second-rate science fiction books and films, as unlikely as the return of a person to full nudity. Once society abandons one set of clothes decorative details, it was replaced by a new - and this evolution will continue, probably for as long as the person does not cease to be a "social animal": clothes - very convenient tool for demonstrating the status and views of its owner, so if a person is unlikely give up this function and it will move to the neutral protective

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