The Importance Of Time Management

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I have learned a great deal of concepts and skills while taking COLA 100E. Some of the concepts i have learned are time management, leadership, and goal setting. Within three weeks I have soaked in numerous of information regarding these concepts. Education can used as a tool to achieve goals in a career and improve as a person in life.
Mastering the skill of managing time is critical for success in college and in life beyond college (Heavy & Gianoutsos, 2013). Time management is one of the most difficult skill to master throughout my life. I have always been a procrastinator. I have the tendency to delay anything that can be put off for later. My first year of college was a struggle due to poor time management. I failed to prioritize the …show more content…

Third, prioritize the tasks and do the important ones first. Learning to manage time wisely will greatly help me in completing tasks on time. In addition, it will allow me to balance my work life, school life, and social life. The second useful concept I learned as a result of taking this class is goal setting. By setting goals, you initiate the process of gaining control of your future and taking charge of your life (Heavy & Gianoutsos, 2013). Studies show that people who neglect to set and pursue life goals are prone to feelings of “life boredom” and a belief that one’s life is meaningless (Bardgdill, 2000). I completely agree with this study because I have experienced a similar feeling. After graduating high school, I had no goals; which resulted in no motivation. I felt like there was no point in my life because there was nothing for me to go after. I was not aware of the long range, midrange, and short range goals. I have always thought that to be successful one have to make a lot of money while living a splendid life. Having thoughts of the long range goals blinded the fact that I can accomplish the short range goals that could possibly lead me to where I want to be. Goal setting only becomes …show more content…

I consider my parents to be one of the most important factors in my life. My father is like a teacher to me because he taught me how to handle all kind of situations. My mother educated me on how to cook and clean. I consider my parents as a resource because they’ve been sheltering me my whole life. I needed my parents the most to survive in this unexpected world. They kept me warm and fed so I can study to get a degree. It is all that my parents had ever wanted from me. They wanted me to get a better education so they moved to America. The least I could do is fulfill their dreams and to live a happy life of my own. In addition, Professors acquires a lot of knowledge and they can pass it down to you. As a student, I just want to soak in all the information given by them in order to pass the class and possibly use it in real life situations. Some professors do more than just educating students. If you’re an excellent student, they will help you and write recommendation letters to a job you are applying for. It would help a student a bunch if they make new friends in college or in their class. It would be easier to keep up with the class if you miss a lecture. Friends are not just there to hang out with each other but they motivate one another. My best friend, Kiana, motivated me to study hard and she helped me pay attention in

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