The Importance Of The Honor Code

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Honor Code Could Make A Better Future A person's character can set them up for their future. Is your character and the way you go through life , the way you want your future? Character is defined as the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Many people choose who they surround themselves with people who have good morals and earned what the got for their future. The honor code is a great way to build up a great character and prepare you for your future without cheating your way through. While people may not follow it and keep it a secret, there should be an honor code in schools because it prevents cheating, keeps people accountable by consequences, and we want to live in a trustful environment. One of the many benefits of …show more content…

The consequences most schools have not helped stop the cheating, but this honor code has stricter consequences that would prevent this from happening. All of the consequences for breaking the honor code will vary on how bad the circumstances are. It could be as easy as community service or lunch duty (Broussard 30). But it could also be as serious as being kicked out of the school(University of Notre Dame 11 ). Students are more likely to change their behavior with consequences within their actions. (Lake 45). Students will not want to go against the honor code if big or crucial consequences are in place. If you break the honor code with the first offense, the teacher will either reduce your grade or you may fail the entire class depending on what and how much you cheated on (University of Notre Dame 10). A study at a small university show that 88% of students did believe that the punishment of failing the grade was a reasonable consequence (Sledge). If the student is caught in the act of cheating, failing is the right consequence for that. In the action of breaking the honor code a second time you will either be dismissed from the school for one semester or put on permanent dismissal with no chance of coming back to that school. If a student is put on permanent leave they do have the opportunity to get their case reviewed (University of Notre Dame 11). Being kicked

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