The Importance Of The English Proficiency Of English In Malaysian English

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Malaysian schools are losing its competence in English language proficiency. The competitive in English proficiency means the ability of the student in comprehending and mastering English language’s literacy and oracy. School plays a vital in shaping students’ capability and ability in English. The standard of English in Malaysian schools is diminishing at its alarming stages because the critical level of deficiency among Malaysian students in English is high. According to ( Malaysia's English language crisis, 2013) sited that "When I first taught them, they could not even tell the difference between 'when' and 'what'," says by a teacher from The Straits Time. The problem occurred is the result of the level of proficiency of English is inadequate among the Malaysian school inculcating English environment can be overcome by the Malaysian school through implementation of various way of English approach towards to students.
The level of proficiency of English is inadequate among the Malaysian …show more content…

This is because English has been mistreated as just one of the exam paper without concerning the important of bushing up their competence in English especially multilingual Malaysian schools offer different languages classes such as Bahasa Malaysia, Tamil and Chinese that attempt students to master all without concerning their academic students as well. So, when a school treats languages like any more academic subjects the classroom has got the students get bored or do not interest to learn. Linguistic class is unlike academic class. According to (Hisyam, 2012) cited that the biggest problem of English education system is the attempts of the teachers teaches English like any other subject by molding the students in an exam –oriented environment. Furthermore, there is a lack of positive environment of using English in the school. By creating a culture of the school in

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