The Importance Of Symbolic Play

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The purpose of this essay is to determine the importance of Symbolic play as a component for the development of cognitive and social skills. Play is second nature to children and they will naturally engage in symbolic play throughout their developing years. Play is one of the recognisable essential factors in children’s learning and development, cchildren’s ability to use language and talk in a practical way coincides with the rise of predictable symbolic play sequences. This is also supported by Deacon’s view that the reason humans are so unique in comparison to the rest of the species is our ability to theorize emblematically. (Deacon, 1997) Freud 1969 established the view that the role of symbolic plays was the skill of controlling impulses …show more content…

Theoretical opinions of the significance and importance of symbolic play differ. Piaget (1962) highlighted the assimilative value of play. He proposed that through symbolic play, children are able to make sense and meaning of experiences and events that are beyond their understanding. Symbolic play is a private world that is personal to the child where the rules of societal convention and the logic of the real world do not necessarily apply. From this view, symbolic play enables the child to be free from reality, allowing mental manipulations of objects and events. One cognitive benefit of symbolic play is the chance to participate in role reversal, taking turns playing the numerous characters which helps to advance perception among play companions. (Newman, …show more content…

Research has shown that symbolic play improves literacy and language through the use of materials and toys. (Singer, 2006) As well as improving these skills, symbolic play helps to build the child’s confidence, and it is through play that he/she discovers out their true character. The child learns vital social skills that can be used to solve problems and work together as a team. Children create metal images throughout symbolic play, developing their memory of symbols and words. Cognitive development is lead by social and culture interactions and improves cognition and

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