The Importance Of Student Motivation

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Reports and studies show findings of students using the method of self-instructions and self-monitoring strategies of rewarding or spotlighting improvement within themselves. This takes away from the competition of the task, instead of social comparison (Ames, 1948b). Studies show that students will be willing to seek challenging task, they have confident feelings regarding the situation. (Ames, et al., 1977; Dweck, 1986, 1988; Elliott & Dweck, 1988; Nicholls, Patashnick, & Nolen, 1985). Research has stated that contains a vast amount of data has displayed that a students amusement of learning is higher when the classroom environments’ are recognized as encouraging the students’ involvement (Fry & Coe, 1980; Trickett & Moos, 1974) and have …show more content…

Internally motivated classrooms would have every student committed in productive and thrilling work all the time. Educators have collectively asked if being motivated in school is enough. Studies show that students who enjoy attending school will never fail at it. Students that are high involved in school activities should take pride in what they have accomplished. Engaged students will have higher grades, score higher on test (Skin- ner, Wellborn, & Connell, 1990). The main argument that is used against “latter” student directed learning is the idea of it being to confined and limited, not able to involve the broad skill sets and knowledge that your typical curriculum they produce( Deci, 2008 ). Educators had the thought that student lacked the drive to do anything and without persuasion, the students would not learn the needed material. Even though the arguments presented against internal motivation, this concept of intrinsic motivation has played a huge part in schools while having a great success rate. Deci and Ryan are heavy hitting researchers, that gives us a report of how current research in Intrinsic Motivation has moved into a variety of schools in their book “Intrinsic Motivation and Self-determination in Human Behavior”. They were able to assess the situation through a scientific approach and how effective it can be …show more content…

A teacher is to help students to gather knowledge in what they are already motivated and interested but a teachers’ job is to expand how to go about other ways of learning and evoke their interest in new areas of knowledge. Student directed learning is not an environment that allows students to totally learn what excites them. There are other factors that pressure such as family, friends, teachers, society and institutions that doesn’t allow us to do exactly what we would like. Directed learning should be an environment where students have a choice or willingness. The idea of letting a child to be in charge of their learning might turn out to be long or wide but the excitement will let them know that they can be in charge of their own life and learning. This is a place where children allow learning to happen and that teachers are just their to facilitate

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