The Importance Of Society On Society

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Society as a whole is one that is often studied in a number of different ways. Since the beginning of our existence, philosophers and psychologist alike have been identifying what it is that causes our minds to determine what it is to be appropriate in our actions. Often our social interactions as well as our specific genetic structure influence the type of person we become. Our moral and intellectual virtues are the foundation of our decision making process. The developments of these given and learned virtues are most often the drivers we fall on in order to define our path towards happiness. Through a more specific understanding of these virtues of Aristotle, we can identify how society impacts our character as we develop into social …show more content…

Our friendships that we poses often determine the type of character we develop based on going through similar habits of decision making. Through friendship we can build a level of virtue of what we will do for others and how we will share our lives with those around us. This moral virtue helps determine how we will act when faced with an issue from others. If someone is in a state where they need help, character shapes what we will do for them. Will we be the brave one to rush into a burning building to save another life? Will we share our food in a time when others are around or save it for ourselves when we are alone because we don’t want them to know just how good it is? What others do for us through a true friendship will often determine the virtues of our own …show more content…

Whether that person is known for doing well for others or as one that has accomplished greatness on their own, legacy is what we will be known for. Is that legacy the ultimate end that we are all seeking? Probably not, most of us go through life seeking the best we can and enjoying those rewards on a daily basis. Enjoying and building friendships is a foundation of life to help propel our decision making and eventually our place within society. It is ultimately the combined effort of both our intellectual and moral virtues that will propel an individual to the highest level of

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