The Importance Of Sexual Maturity In The Bible

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Sexual purity plays an important role in the Bible. In fact, it has one of the most central roles in the Bible due to its beginning. From the very beginning, God created man and then woman because it was not good for man to be alone. (Gen. 2:18) God created sex as a gift to Adam and Eve. It is an act that follows after marriage and unifies male and female into ‘one flesh.’ (Gen. 2:24). Sex is an act so intimate that is written, “Adam knew Eve.” (Gen. 4:1) Genesis, the beginning and basis for the rest of the Bible, shows that God had intended male and female to be together in a monogamous relationship where sex only occurred between them as a unifier and procreation.
Despite the lack of discussion about sex and its role among the church, sex is not a …show more content…

Even though I grew up in a Christian background, the talk about sexual purity was very minimal. It consisted of simply the command to stay pure and avoid all sexual acts until marriage. I never heard a discussion about sex and the damage it can do if used wrongly. Thus, I never really acknowledged the importance of sexual purity. Part of my other problem was that I was often time immersed in the world’s views and teachings, which doesn’t value sex or purity, at all. Due to the world’s influence, sex outside of marriage, casual sex relationships, and homosexuality didn’t concern me as much as they should have. It had become so common that my view on sex and purity changed and I no longer valued these views. However, I still felt unsettled when I heard about people who were in relationships and openly acknowledged that they had sex with previous partners. To sum up one of my struggles regarding this problem is truly considering and accepting God’s views and words on sexual purity. I also had to acknowledge the fact that sexual purity and sexual immorality is serious and it is not a light sin to

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