The Importance Of School Lunch Reforms

1262 Words3 Pages

Darla Mariduena Group C
Critical Writing Rabiyya

School Lunch Reforms- Draft 2

Five million child deaths occur every year because of lack of nutrients, also known as malnutrition. Many studies have been done in order to figure out how school meals affect the student’s behavior in, and out of the classroom. Low test grades, low attendance rates, and misbehavior has been mostly noted in students who are at “nutritional risk.” Also, students who come from low-income families, depend on school meals, and if the meals are not fresh and healthy, the malnutrition percent will increase. Academic achievement depends on how well your mind and body is; if a student is at risk of malnutrition, his/her academic achievement will lower. Schools should provide healthy meals, and encourage the students to take part in the school’s lunch program. By providing students with unappealing and unhealthy meals, the students will not be at the top of their game for the day. This could affect their education and future in the long run.

According to Jane L. David in “What Research Says About School Meals and Learning”, there have been changes in the students who face malnutrition, ever since schools began a breakfast program. Students with malnutrition or at nutritional risk, have a behavior that stands out comparing the data to regular students. For example, these students have low attendance, tardiness, anxiety, and aggression. This affects their ability to achieve their academic goals. Even though an opposing view could say that behavioral issues can only be fixed within oneself, one can not simply fix the surroundings that are affecting one. In this case, what needs to be ...

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...ts so that their mental and physical state wont be damaged, and they can keep up with their academic needs.

In conclusion, schools should take a stance in their students’ lives by presenting them with healthier school meals. Not having a proper meal with the necessary nutrients can have a great toll on students’ academic achievements and future. Schools should change their ways in order to decrease malnourished student rates, and increase the chances for students to prosper and and have a better and healthy life. By changing the lunches, students will not only be able to concentrate in school, but it will also decrease obesity rates among the city. Once the students are in good shape, it will be easier to control them, and make changes and implement new things within the school. Take action in your school by signing petitions, fundraisers, and raising awareness.

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