The Importance Of Safety And Equipment In Football

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Football is one of America's favorite sports. Even though it is a dangerous sport, some people still seem to love and adore it. Many people don't enjoy the sport because of how much the players have either gotten hurt in the past or how much the sport lacks safety for the each player. Can improving the safety and equipment in football help improve the game.
The science behind football improving is ways to prevent players from brain damage. How is brain damage important to know to be able to improve the sport. Knowing how many hits a player gets is an important aspect to prevent further brain damage. According to Alan Mozes writer at CBS News "The study authors pointed out that, on average, children who play football between the ages of 9 and 12 experience between 240 and 585 head hits per season, with a force that is comparable to that experienced by high school and college players." The evidence helps support my thesis because if it wasn't for brain damage then you would have to change much about football. Concussions and other injuries can really hurt the person affected future career. Understanding the possible outcomes of not having a decent head gear or equipment can help with decreasing the rate of brain damage in a player. Tom Foster, writer of Popular Science says "And those hits have consequences: concussions and, according to …show more content…

Grass is an important aspect of the field used in football. Thomas S. Owens the author of Football stadiums gets the opinion of football player Doug Dawson, about the types of grass he has played on. Astro Turf, synthetic grass, is one of the types of grass he has played on. 2.According to Doug Dawson former football player "AstroTurf grabs your cleats more. More ankle injuries happened." This evidence supports the thesis by having the design of the football fields grass should be fixed, which is one thing that can improve the safety of the

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