The Importance Of Public Relations

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This process is an example of how a negative case from a point of view converted to a positive case by the public relations. This is the result of how public relations frame problematic situations and change them in a clear situation (Jefkins 1982:201-202). Moreover, this table is also providing an example about how PR evaluating the situations in its natural environment.
2.1.2 Channels of Public Relations

Public relations has to use the advantage of media in order to catch the attention of the public. When it comes to efficiently usage and benefitting from the media audiences and the media cohesiveness is the key. (Wilcox, Ault and Agee 1998:240). According to Wilcox, Ault and Agee (1998), the most effective medias to communicate with the desired public are: “Print media, Television, Radios and the online media” (Wilcox, Ault and Agee, 1998:240-241). All these mediums exist their own compatible advantage in the media environment.What is crucial for companies is to benefit and match their public relations strategies with them.
Public relation exists their own vehicles and tools which are important for organizations to achieve their short and long term objectives. According to (Kotler 1982); written material, audio-visual material, corporate identity media, news, events, speeches and telephone information service” are the main tools (Kotler,1982:389). In order to understand these tool’s main aims in organizations, we provide explanations. What is common for these tools are that they are serving for companies and aiming to realise an effective communication. When companies manage these important tools effectively they preserve their reputation and also it is a chance for them to remind the key target what are the specific ...

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...nd this approch will ensure organizations to obtain high returns (Kotler, Armstrong,Wong and Saunders, 2008:17). Moreover, according to Kotler and Keller (2012) marketing definition is “meeting needs profitability” (Kotler and Keller 2012:27). This definition signals the necessity of satisfying the target and potential consumers according to their special needs and as an outcome the company is obtaining a revenue to benefit itself. So to say, both sides are satisfying their needs. First of all, being successful compared to the other competitors is possible by identifying the market, consumers preferances and also competitor’s strategies for the consumers and acting afterwards in the market. Having defined “marketing” and “marketing concepts” before, it is important to understand “marketing orientation” and which stages of marketing it consists of.
These stages are:

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