The Importance Of Psychotherapy Therapy

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Psychotherapy integration is best explained as an attempt to look beyond and across the dimensions of a single therapy approach to examine what one can learn from other perspectives and how one’s client’s can benefit from various ways of administering therapy (Corey, 2013). Research has shown that a variety of treatments are equally effective when administered by therapist who believe in them and client’s that accept them (Corey, 2013). Therefore, one of the best aspects of utilizing an integrative approach is that in most cases, if a therapist understands how and when to incorporate therapeutic interventions, they usually can’t go wrong. While integrating different approaches can be beneficial for the client, it is also important for the therapist …show more content…

One of the primary reasons I prefer to utilize CBT is because it compatible with my personality. I am an organized, logical, and direct individual all of which CBT encompasses well. CBT is a highly structured therapy. Even though the there isn’t a particular order to procedures while utilizing CBT, there does tend to be a natural progression of to certain steps. I appreciate this aspect of CBT because it enables me to feel as though I am leading client’s to their goals in a logical and thought out manner. Not only that, CBT has a great deal of research that has proven it to be effective in treating several diagnoses such as depression and anxiety (Corey, 2013). While all of the reasons listed above encompass why CBT is my therapy of choice, my absolute favorite aspect of CBT is the fact that it is known for having openness to incorporating techniques from other approaches. According to Corey (2013), most forms of CBT can be integrated into other mainstream therapies (p. …show more content…

While CBT has many advantages, it alone does not encompass all of the concepts I believe are necessary to tackles a client’s needs. Therefore, I draw upon concepts from various theories to obtain a better idea of what we are working towards. Pulling from Reality therapy, a key concept I utilize is focusing on what the client is doing and how to get them to evaluate whether they’re present actions are working for them. CBT does use some form of this is the sense that one must examine and establish their cognitive misconceptions; however, I prefer to pull from Reality therapy because CBT tends to do so by focusing on the past. I am a firm believer that while the past can shape who you are, it does very little good to remain focused on it. Focusing on overt behavior, precision in specifying goals of treatment, development of specific treatment plans, and objective evaluation of therapy outcomes all come from Behavior therapy (Corey, 2013, p. 474). Behavior therapy is highly structured much like that of CBT. I utilize this aspect of Behavior therapy because high level of structure enables me to closely observe where a client is currently and where they are headed. Lastly, I pull from Person-Centered therapy as the final key concept of my counseling approach. PCT focuses on the fact that client’s have the potential to become aware of their problems and resolve them. This Person-Centered therapy concept has overlap with

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