The Importance Of Project Leadership

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Project managers are typically responsible for planning, directing, and completing projects and with that come a high level of responsibility. Leadership abilities must be strong, as the project manager will be tasked to lead several teams. They must be able to delegate tasks and responsibilities impartially that will maintain cohesiveness among teams throughout the project. Experience plays a role in leading teams and being able to manage conflicts is a key leadership trait. Furthermore, the ability to use a variety management styles will benefit the project manager throughout the course of a project.
What I discovered about my personality temperament is that I have characteristics of an Artisan and the skills closely resemble that of an …show more content…

One weakness that stands out is my desire to be liked. I have to learn that leaders need to sometimes make unpopular decisions (Harvard Business Review-Make the Tough Calls, 2014). The best leaders have learned that if they make the right decisions for their business, even if unpopular, and take the time to explain their reasoning, they will earn the respect of their employees (Harvard Business Review-Make the Tough Calls, 2014). We have all heard it said that leaders have to “walk the talk” if they are to be respected by followers. According to James Lewis who authored the book Project Leadership, it is true that if followers do not respect leaders, they quit following them, so we can surmise that leaders who do not walk the talk wind up with no followers. With that being said, my weakness of trying to get others to like me should instead be a new focus of earning respect by my actions as a leader. I must put effort more on employee engagement with supportive collaboration to build trust and achieve shared understanding of my organization’s vision. Helping others to be self-empowered to make innovative decisions is a part of my Leadership

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