The Importance Of Privacy In The Book 'The Circle'

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The general public of Americans believe that their lives are private, not public. Most people do not want their private and personal lives shared with random people they’re not even acquainted with. Privacy is held up high in the eyes of Americans and the majority don’t want to change that. In the novel The Circle by Dave Eggers, a 24-year-old girl named Mae grasps her dream job of working at the Circle thanks to her friend Annie. The Circle is a huge company that creates and supports advancing technologies. Eggers notes that the Circle has its own social media site that connects everyone to everything and backs up all information received in their cloud. Mae creates many new relationships, such as her love interest Francis and her best friend …show more content…

The myth of privacy is an important myth for the world to understand because privacy can have a large effect on people’s lives. How much information someone and some company has on other people can ruin their lives such as in Annie's case. Privacy is a complex issue because how much privacy we have can be determined by other things such as technology. It is important to understand that with more technology, the less privacy people are going to have. While it may seem like Eggers takes his examples of the myth of privacy to an extreme extent, it is important to realize that our society is headed in the direction of the Circle. With new technologies being invented every year people need to wary of the company's intentions behind the technology. If the citizens of the United States want to be able to keep their privacy, they need to push for more online privacy laws that prevent companies from being able to take information and data with the owner or person's consent. Companies also need to be punished when they do collect, trade, and sell private information without consent. This is what Americans need to push for so their privacy can be protected and so that society does not become like the Circle where everything gets shared publicly

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