The Importance Of Political Realism

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From the very beginning, the United States has been a nation of grand ideals. The foreign policy and domestic politics of the United States have been shaped by ideals like equality, manifest destiny, and democratic self-determination. These grand ideals serve as the driving force behind hallmark moments in American history such as the Declaration of independence, Louisiana Purchase, Monroe Doctrine, the League of Nations, and the United Nations. As a nation built upon grand ideals, America has hosted many political idealists that have tried to make the world a better place through the spread of democratic ideals and an international system. These idealists are often criticized by realists for ignoring concerns of national interest and balance of power. In the political sense, realists are those who are Although the proponents of political idealism and realism have always clashed in US politics, the newfound global influence of the United States brought their dispute to the forefront of international affairs. Following the first world war, the economic, military, and industrial strength of the United States established the nation as the leading great power in the international arena. Woodrow Wilson, the leading idealist of the time, framed WWI as the “war to end all wars” and promoted the concept of a League of Nations to prevent future conflicts. The League of Nations is an international governing body that seeks to prevent wars through demilitarization, collective security, equality of trade, and negotiation between nations. Despite being a noble idea, the League of Nation failed to prevent the outbreak of WWII and was rejected by the US senate. The League of Nation was rejected by the congress because Wilson failed to take into the realist concerns of American national interest and unilateralism into account. In A Concise History of U.S. Foreign Policy Joyce Kaufman states that the primary

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