The Importance Of Organizational Culture

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A Hawthorne study conducted in 1939 was the earliest to touch on organizational culture. The study defined organization culture as 'work group culture’ (Luneneburg, 2011). Organizational culture, without a strong framework, remained as a non-expounded area of research. However, in 1980s, a resurgence of organizational culture took place. (Martin, 2004). In 1992, when Schien published a book ‘Organizational Culture and Leadership’, organizational culture was under the limelight of many researchers (Mozaffari, 2008). Organizations started emulating human like personalities and were categorized into various types. The definition of Organizational culture was later described as the common yet unique shared values among the employees of the organization that sets them apart from employees from another organization (Ojo, 2009 ; Luneneburg, 2011). Ehtesham, Muhammad and Muhammad (2011), also stated that organizational culture can be characterized as common values and principal of an organization. These principles then become a guideline in approaching any organization issues that occurs. More often, organizational culture is seen as the bridge that bonds or holds an organization strongly (Ojo, 2009). Culture is also used as a benchmark on how effective an organization is. In a research done by Hall (2003), he stressed that values, behaviors and beliefs of its employee forms the whole structure of an organization. The internal environment of a company is very much influenced by its culture.

The main theory of organizational culture was defined by Schein (1981). He described culture as shared valid basic values acquired by members of an organization while solving problems or issues of external adaptation and internal intergration (Re...

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...ill delve into the case study of a successful organization: the PowerUpSuccess.

We will begin our analysis with a brief introduction of the company. We will move on to identify the organizational culture that is in existence and practised by the organisation and later examine the role of the organizational culture in the operations of the business.

PowerUpSuccess is the vision of two aspiring individuals; Mr Raymond Phoon and Mr Jonathan Low. The 8-year-old company thrives with collective effort from a team 15 people with vast experience and qualification. PowerUpSucess has four main values for its development; Value to Organization, Transformational Development, Broad Experience and Thousands of Satisfied Customers and always Relevant. As an organisation fully committed to empowering people, there is immense respect accorded to every member of the organisation

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