The Importance Of Multiculturalism In Canada

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Canada has been ranked one of the most multicultural countries in the world (CBC, 2015). Thus, on a world stage Canada has a reputation that is often characterized as ‘one to aspire to,’ as multiculturalism has become a defining aspect of Canadian culture, essentially portraying Canada as a so-called ‘post racial society.’ Multiculturalism refers to the existence, acceptance and promotion of various cultural traditions. Thus, what is the need for anti-racist education in a nation that accepts and promotes different cultures? Even within the discourse surrounding multiculturalism, race relations in Canada still continue to gain social currency, and race continues to be a marker for the unequal distribution of power, privilege, social prestige, …show more content…

Multiculturalism is often taken up at surface level, in which certain (or allowed) cultural practices like, dance, drama, clothing and food are used to construct an inclusive and accepting society, although the space given for multiculturalism manifests through a dominant narrative. Thus, multiculturalism ignores the power relations and discrimination that have shaped society (Lee, 1991), in turn projecting the idea that Canadian culture is rooted in the inclusivity, acknowledgement and acceptance of difference. Within the discourse of Anti-Racism education, White (male) power and privilege and the rationality for dominance within a society are questioned (Dei, 1996), as opposed to the discourse surrounding multiculturalism. There are massive social, political and economic benefits that have and still do amass to individuals in society due to the dominance of White (male) power (Dei, 1996). Thus, multiculturalism serves as a mask that allows this power to continue and manifest as in dominant positions can validate and impose their own definitions of normality and define boundaries for the sole purpose of excluding, enclosing or exploiting others (Solomos, 1998). In essence, behind said mask, the prism in which multiculturalism has brought Canada to a supposed ‘post-racial’ society continues to hide the inequities of a society in which individuals still suffer for a racialized identity. Hence, one can say that multiculturalism carries particular notions of value and entitlement and thus defend privilege either directly or though the operation of codes, norms and rules and that may appeal to universalism but actually represent the social interest of dominant groups (Solomos, 1998). Thus, multiculturalism serves as a policy to protect dominant power, without alluding to racism or notions of assimilation, allowing the dominant hetero-patriarchal Euro-defined body to continue to benefit without

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