The Importance Of Moral Issues In Accounting

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Numerous scandals have resulted in the credibility of accountants and auditors being questioned in recent times. Concepts like triple bottom-line accounting, corporate governance, business ethics and codes of conducts are indicative of a growing concern with moral issues in the workplace and society in general. Is there a moral value system that can be used by future accountants and auditors to address these challenges, or should the concepts currently in place be emphasized more in the accounting workplace?

There have been countless cases recently of fraud, pay offs and unfaithful presentation in the accounting and auditing professions where assets are overstated and liabilities understated intentionally by big companies. Accountants and auditors are well trained to deal with the financial implications of their actions but their ethical judgment is questionable. A popular moral value system used is the James Rest Model, which contains the four basic psychological components of sensitivity, judgment, motivation and character, which would lead a morally mature person to the most ethical decision.

Moral sensitivity is the awareness that a moral dilemma exists. Moral judgment is to judge which course of action is morally right. Moral motivation is …show more content…

Future accountants and auditors should not try to be convinced to act in an ethical manner through the education but rather be more aware with regard to ethical issues in the accounting practices and taught what is the correct manner in addressing the challenge is in the profession. The ethics of the accounting concepts are morally correct if followed thus an emphasis on the principles of honesty and integrity and the duty of the accountants and auditors to their society must be introduced in the tertiary education in order to ensure that these principles are instilled in the students and thus demonstrated in

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