The Importance Of Money Essay

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Money, the one thing society loves to reprimand, people want to blame anything for their troubles instead of mending the said problem themselves. People are blinded by their gluttony for money they will do uncanny things to satisfy the hunger that’s deep within them. Money was first used for as a type of barter system but was soon corrupted into the thing that makes us beastly. From a young age are taught that we need money to function in this now modern world, as a result people are going to great lengths to obtain this money even if it means doing something that could be deemed unjustified. Humans also believe that they need money to buy the newest things for no other purpose than to show off. From the early stages of our childhood we are …show more content…

Many parents use the “bribing” method of parenting. When training a young child to use the restroom they might give them a “treat” every time they successfully use the restroom. While this is a successful tactic that can leave the child excited about using the toilet, it can also teach them that you do things for the purpose of reward. This can also carry through their older years if you carry on this tradition by giving the child a reward every time they get a good grade in school. This can make the kid less focused on learning the material and understanding the concepts needed. Also making the kid more focused on learning the test more than the materials. We teach kids that if they do “good deeds” you will gain something for yourself and not teaching them that we should do these deeds for the only purpose of helping people. …show more content…

Sometimes people tend to neglect their needs because of their wants, an example is people buying the new electronics instead of paying the bills thus choosing something materialistic instead of fulfilling their basic needs and necessities. Those whom are in dire financial straits are the most vulnerable and risk falling into the feeling of needing to prove they have money. People would gladly spend their money during the holiday seasons putting presents under the tree no matter how much they spend and how that may cause the family to go into owing money. Patrice Washington states in her book, “Real Money Answers for Every Woman: How to Win the Money Game With or Without a Man," that, “buying something you don 't need is never better than saving money for your actual needs,” she backs up this statement with the idea that “when you 're on a weight loss diet, is it really wise to walk through food courts scouting out samples of fresh baked cinnamon rolls and greasy pizza?” meaning that your wants will never be greater than your needs so why go out shopping and tempt yourself? Do not focus on the new shoes or car but put that money into bettering yourself and helping you clear up the financial hole you may find yourself falling

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