The Importance Of Money

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The world we live in is consumed by money. It seem like people could never have enough, worry about the amount of money that they have, and sometimes spend it when really do not have it. Money is, without a doubt, a power thing that can control and ruin a person’s life if they let it. In First Timothy 6:10, Paul writes, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” Now obviously Paul is not saying that money in its self is evil but when someone loves it that is when evil things happen. I think this is depicted well the movie The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies when Dwalin, a servant and warrior of the king of the …show more content…

Do not let pride get in the way because it will try and a couple’s marriage is way more important than their egos. This would obviously not be for non-Christians but it important to understand what scripture says about marriage and the couple’s relationship with God. One thing is that the Bible takes about is not be selfish and especially in marriage. In Ephesian 5:22 it says, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.” and in verse 25 it says, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,” One cannot do these commands and be selfish at the same time. Selfishness is something a couple must avoid when deal with financial pressures in their marriage. The bible also teaches that God is the ultimate provider for his children and if they will trust him, he will provide for all of their needs. If a couple will hold on to that truth about God, they will realize they are not the ultimate provider themselves and be able to make it through hard times. In order for a couple to prevent a divorce and protect their marriage, they will both have to work for it. This mean viewing their money in a way that is not separate but joined together, no matter how much more one make than the other or who works and who does not work. It has to be their money not his and her money. Preventing a divorce might require one spouse to deal with the other’s different financial personality. This does not mean change them but be able the live and work financial despite their different ways they handle money. Protect one’s marriage from divorce also calls them to practice the old “Give and Take” method. Sometimes couples will just have to work to meet in the middle on a certain financial decision. Overall, the most important to remember is that this is a team effort. It is not going

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