The Importance Of Mars Space Exploration

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Bernard Beckett says, “Human spirit is the ability to face the uncertainty of the future with curiosity and optimism. It is the belief that problems can be solved, differences resolved. It is a type of confidence. And it is fragile. It can be blackened by fear, and superstition.” It is inevitable that at some point someone will go to mars. The human brain is driven by curiosity. Humanity wants to know more in hopes of seeing something surprising or intriguing. So then what is stopping man from going to mars? Fear. Humans fear death, life, and everything in-between. Mars space exploration will not only ensure human survival, but advance human technologies and inspiration. Through the years new technology and advancements have been made and have …show more content…

This means that in order for humanity to survive, expansion is inevitable. Mars has about the same conditions as earth. Naturally, it is not the exact same, but it has livable conditions for humans. Earth is a good living space, but what happens when it gets wiped out? The dinosaurs probably roamed the earth for years, yet all that is left of them is fossils. This could happen to humans. If life is spread out over different planets, there is a better possibility of survival. It will keep humanity alive and thriving. Yes, communication will be a big issue along with resources. That is something that NASA can figure out. If Christopher Columbus could cross the ocean with all of those dangers and with no communication into new territory, NASA can provide the astronauts with food and good communication systems. It is better for humans to be a multi-planet species rather than a single planet species due to the risk of demolition by others or natural …show more content…

Not much. Putting a satellite in the atmosphere had inspired nations to put a man on the moon. When the US put a man on the moon thousands had celebrated and were inspired. Inspiration has always been important, but what if that’s not enough to put a man on mars? Carole Scott states, “The failure of Mars-96 was a serious setback for the exploration of Mars.”(Scott 33) Mars-96 was a Russian space probe that had failed to make it to mars. In other words; if we can’t send a probe to mars then how can we send a person to mars. Well we sent a rover to mars so that means that we can send a person to mars. This rover and history is humanity’s inspiration. Human happiness is very important. Inspiration can create happiness and answer curiosity. Inspiration is what allows humanity to thrive. Times are changing and so are man’s resources. Mars is our best chance for inspiring generations to create new things and solve world problems. Human survival and the advancements of technologies and inspiration is inevitable through space travel to mars. Therefore, humanity must make the next big step of mars exploration for all the good things it holds. Humans have the capability to go to mars. It is just whether or not they decide to go now. Mankind will make it to mars. It just depends when. Hence, the trip should be made now for all the advancements it holds, along with our chance of

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