The Importance Of Loneliness In London

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This short story tells after an unnamed illness, the unnamed narrator sits in an unnamed coffee shop in London. Fascinated by the crowd outside the window, he considers how isolated people think they are, despite "the very denseness of the company around". He takes time to categorize the different types of people he sees. As evening falls, the narrator focuses on "a decrepit old man, some sixty-five or seventy years of age", whose face has a peculiar idiosyncrasy, and whose body "was short in stature, very thin, and apparently very feeble" wearing filthy, ragged clothes of a "beautiful texture". The narrator dashes out of the coffee shop to follow the man from afar. The man leads the narrator through bazaars and shops, buying nothing, and into a poorer part of the city, then back into "the heart of the mighty London". This chase lasts through the evening and into the next day. Finally, …show more content…

What is loneliness? Some people say that loneliness is a feeling, a mood; Others say that loneliness is a concentrated form of individuality, is a kind of lonely sadness, is a kind of desire to cover the expression. When we say that loneliness is a state of mind, it is not a matter of feeling that there is a thing called loneliness in life. Those who indulge in showering and anxiety are incapable of experiencing the unique taste of solitude. The definition of loneliness in the dictionary is the unhappiness that is felt by someone because they do not have any friends or do not have anyone to talk to.In my opinion, loneliness is a condition of human life, a kind of experience that enables individuals to continue, expand and deepen human nature, and loneliness is life itself. Like torture, loneliness is a mental phenomenon that can be positive or negative. The depiction of loneliness in many western literary works is endless. Loneliness is an inevitable condition of human nature, and it exists in the deepest part of the

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