The Importance Of Locavores

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Locavores are people that are interested in buying and consuming locally produced food. Food miles is another name for locavores; this concept consists of how far the food travels to the consumer. Being a locavore is important to me because it is a part of my culture and developing a better relationship with my community. I grew up on a ranch in Tijeras, New Mexico; my grandparents were farmers. They did not farm to sell; they farmed for themselves. As a child, my grandparents taught me how to use the resources the earth offers (hunting, fishing, hauling wood, farming, etc.). My mom and I would go to the local markets; this is where we would get our groceries for the week, occasionally we would go to the big-box industries. I chose to buy produce that is local; the food has more nutrients and is fresher than …show more content…

They are more conscious about supporting local producers versus big industries for economic and health purposes. This movement is reaching success in the United States, but it is having a more negative impact at a global level. On a global scale, the bigger farms are more efficient and produce fewer greenhouse gases compared to smaller farms. The industrial food system is better equipped to feed the growing global population (Michel Pimbert, 2015).

Ayala, S. (2013, March 6). The Great Food Fight: Local vs. Global – Viewpoint. Retrieved September 17, 2017, from o AZEVEDO, E. D. (2014, August 11). FOOD ACTIVISM: THE LOCAVORISM PERSPECTIVE. Retrieved September 17, 2017, from o Fitzgerald, K. J. (2016). Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Locavorism and Humanist Sociology. Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Locavorism and Humanist Sociology, 40(1), 3-21, 1-19.

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