The Importance Of Literary Lens

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What are Literary lenses? The term acts a figure of speech. The lenses are used to view a piece of literature from different angles in order to find multiple themes. This has been a relatively new expression in the last few decades as literary lenses have grown to be taught in high schools and colleges throughout the United States and the world. Since the terms creation in the late 20th century, students now learn many of these lenses in school to analyze pieces of literature. The lenses can help a reader understand why something happened, or where it is taking place. They can help to bring discriminatory things to light and cast them aside to better appreciate the work. In the University of Minnesota’s College in the Schools Literature class …show more content…

Formalist Lens combines with other lenses to dissect the text into many parts. For instance, irony is used all throughout the drama. The drama states,” Siward: ‘Some must go off: and yet, by these I see,/ So great a day as this is cheaply bought’” (Shakespeare 85). This part is ironic because the Siward is saying that death is part of war not knowing his own son has been killed. And, the use of diction helps to show the setting. The drama states,” Macduff: ‘Then yield thee, coward,/ And live to be the show and gaze o ' th’ time’” (Shakespeare 85). The use of “thee” and “o’ th’ time” show that the diction of the time is in an Old English setting. Moreover, the use of point of view helps the reader understand what all the characters are thinking. The drama states,” Donalbain: ‘What is amiss?’ Macbeth: ‘You are, and do not know 't:/ The spring, the head, the fountain of your blood/ Is stopped; the very source of it is stopped.’ Macduff: ‘Your royal father 's murdered.’ Malcolm: ‘O, by whom?’ Lennox: ‘Those of his chamber, as it seemed, had done’t:/ Their hands and faces were all badged with blood’” (Shakespeare 31). This is in 3rd person omniscient which is all knowing and all seeing. The reader is able to see into the minds of all the characters which also helps to see how the characters to change through the course of the drama. In …show more content…

For example, Macbeth can be compared to Julius Caesar. The drama states,” Macbeth: ‘We will proceed no further in this business:/ He hath honored me of late, and I have bought’” (Shakespeare 20). Macbeth and Duncan have a trusting relationship just like Julius Caesar and Brutus did, and, like in Julius Caesar, Macbeth betrays Duncan and kills him to gain power. Also, the apparitions can be compared to Snow White. The drama states, “First Apparition: ‘Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff!/ Beware the Thane of Fife. Dismiss me: enough’” (Shakespeare 58). The apparition shows an image, in this case, of the future. This is comparable to the magic mirror that shows the Queen an image of who is the fairest in the land. Both entities show images to the onlooker. Additionally, Macbeth can be compared to The Wizard of Oz. The drama states,” Third Witch: ‘All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!’” (Shakespeare 11). The witches are all knowing and all seeing, as far as the reader can tell, like the Wizard is all knowing and all seeing. And, the Wizard in The Wizard of Oz can be compared to Lady Macbeth. The drama states,” Lady Macbeth: ‘What cannot you and I perform upon/ The unguarded Duncan? what not put upon/ His spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt/ Of our great quell?’” (Shakespeare 21). This line shows

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