The Importance Of Listening

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2.5. Listening Skill and Item Placing
Regarding the different point of views about the time of presenting listening test items and concerning the advantages and disadvantages, the present study recommends that the teachers pay attention to the matter of placing the listening questions in an appropriate place. Moreover, it helps them to design and administer a listening comprehension test in such a way that it enhances the learners' chance to use their abilities to answer the questions by decreasing the effects of anxiety to a minimum, , because viewing listening test items in the three different positions “after, before and while” of audio text , may affect on test anxiety and test performance .To clarify this , the study focuses of attention on the various definitions of anxiety and the relationship between anxiety and listening test performance.
Some writers like Cohen (1984), Rost (1990), and Shohamy and Inbar (1991) have shown some positive impact of preview questions. Regarding the benefits of earlier reading in a listening comprehension test, some researchers believe that guiding students to the right directions, driving them into the correct mood for a specific text. Moreover, helping them to find specified purpose(s) for listening, activating relevant schemata, and motivating them to listen to the text and concentrate it to extract key words and information are some of the roles of pre-listening activities (Harmer, 1991; and Rost, 1990).
Some researches which is done in Iran also indicate the advantages of previous reading in listening comprehension test and positive effect of preview questions .For instance, Sadighi and Zare (2006, cited in Makki , 2012) explored the effect of background knowledge on list...

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...ning case studies, test-takers who previewed the test questions reported that it helped them understand better and they listened specifically for answers to the questions. Chang (2005) founds the effectiveness of question preview was influenced by the kind of questions (short-answer versus multiple choice) and the test-takers' language competence. In other words, He refers to the type of questions and the test takersُ level of proficiency as the two effective factors, which can affect on the efficiency of before reading the listening test items. He explains that EFL students in high level of ESL/EFL proficiency considered it more useful to preview multiple-choice questions than short-answer ones; but, students in low-level perceived no distinction between the two. He suggests that if the test questions must be comprehended, low-level students will be unsuccessful.

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