The Importance Of Language In Bakhtin

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Bakhtin conceptualizes language as dialogic. He does this in the sense that specific uses of language or ‘utterances’ contribute dynamically to meaning-making because they are embedded in socio-cultural and historical contexts. Importantly, language is looked at as a site of struggle envisaging individuals engaged in creating a sense of themselves against dominant forms of institutional expectations. These crucial understandings converge with the main tenet proposed by Critical discourse analysis (cf. Fairclough,1995; Kress and van Leeuwen,1996) who examine ideological basis of texts and their uses as media as political or social control, and the maintenance of power structure. In Bakhtinian approach all texts are viewed as “critical sites …show more content…

In his view the novel does not consist in a single, unified form. The novel as genre subsumes several sub-genres. In Bakhtin’s own words the novel is “several heterogeneous stylistic unities.” (Bakhtin) Secondly, the novel is not monological. It does not express a single point of view that is to be of the author’s. The novel is dialogical or heteroglot. The novel expresses the multiplicity of points of view. In short, as Bakhtin puts it, the novel is “multiform in style and variform in speech and voice” (Bakhtin 261). These voices or perspectives include: • the author’s own voice, so-called direct authorial interventions (these are passages in which the author’s own voice can be clearly heard commenting upon the action or articulating some moral sentiment that may have little to do with the progression of the plot itself); • the narrator’s voice (usually following a particular literary style or …show more content…

. . overlain with qualifications, open to dispute, charged with value, already enveloped . . . by the ‘light’ of alien words that have already been spoken about it. It is entangled, shot through with shared thoughts, points of view, alien value judgments and accents. The word, directed towards its object, enters a dialogically agitated and tension-filled environment of alien words, value judgments and accents, weaves in and out of complex inter relationships, merges with some, recoils from others, intersects with yet a third group: and all this may crucially shape discourse, may leave a trace in all its semantic layers, may complicate its expression and influence its entire stylistic profile.” (Bakhtin

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