The Importance Of Journey In Their Eyes Were Watching God

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The success of a journey is not always dependent on the destination, but rather on the valuable lessons learned along the way. Within Zora Neale Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, the author explores how a young woman, named Janie, attempts to accomplish her adolescent goal of finding love and equality within her future marriages. However, through the author’s portrayal of Janie’s personal quest to find companionship, one can see that this trip ultimately highlights the importance of finding satisfaction within themselves rather through the presence of others. In order to fulfill one’s dreams we must take the first steps in achieving our desired future. From an early age, Janie dreamt of finding true love after spending the majority of her adolescent years “stretched…beneath the pear tree”. For Janie, the pear tree became her symbol of love and her ideal relationship as a young girl. As her life progressed, however, Janie began to realize that she would not find her happily ever-after in any relationship. In fact, when she was married off to a man named Logan as a teenager, she quickly realized that “marriage did not make love”. Suddenly, she found herself extremely unhappy in her practically lifeless …show more content…

Within Zora Neale Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, Janie learned the importance of finding power and comfort with herself throughout her lifetime. Although she originally believed that her journey to finding love would be an easy road to follow, she ultimately learned that in order to accomplish great feats, she must overcome adversity and learn to find strength within herself. Even though she felt oppressed and frightened throughout her quest for self-fulfillment, she ultimately learned how to take control of her own life. After all, the only way to achieve one’s goals is to never lose sight of your horizons and to stand up for what is

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