Language, Business And International Studies At The Catholic University Of United Nations

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When I have the opportunity to be part of a group of negotiation and defend the position of my country during a meeting in the World Trade Organization, I was convinced that I wanted to play that role for the rest of my life. The first approach that I had in the area of international affairs started when I was studying my bachelor degree in Language, Business and International Studies at the Catholic University of Ecuador. I was part of the student council and we organized the first Model of United Nation. This experience was so grateful because more than the experience to play the role of proposing some agreements in order to solve different issues, we could share experiences with other students from Peru and Colombia. After that experience …show more content…

CORPEI is an Ecuadorian enterprise that works to promote No traditional products in international markets. No traditional products are high value products, which are trade in fair trade markets and gourmet markets. The focus in these niche markets was because No traditional products are not produced in large scale and they cannot compete for prices. In CORPEI, I had the opportunity to participate in different projects with some Pymes of aquaculture sector, the flower-growing sector and the cocoa sector. The results of our work were the identification of the best markets for their products and the first negotiations to open those markets. In addition, I worked in a market research to export Ecuadorian products to different countries in the Middle East. The objective of this research was to open commercial service offices in which they can promote Ecuadorian products and investment projects. Actually, our country has one office in United Arab …show more content…

In this scenario, I was in charge of the commercial relationships between Ecuador and Brazil. After 5 years of broken relationships between Ecuador and Brazil caused by some disagreements between the San Francisco Hydroelectric project and the Brazilian development Bank – BNDES, the department in which I was working had the challenge to recover economic and political relationships with this country. Brazil is important for Ecuador because they are the first market in Latin America, they have significant development in agricultural machinery, and they are one of the principal members of the MERCOSUR- Southern Common Market in which Ecuador would like to became part. In that occasion, we submitted and signed a memorandum of understanding that cover different activities in the area of development, agricultural cooperation, technological transfer and cooperation between Customs and Tax Administration. In addition, we opened the Brazilian market to export shrimp, tuna and some variety of Ecuadorian flowers. At the end of our work, Ecuador grew 150 percent in their exports during 2011-2012, there are some projects of cattle management that the Ministry of Agriculture of Ecuador is working with Brazil, and also Brazil is financing some strategic projects that Ecuador has in the area of hydroelectric. After working for almost two years in this

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