The Importance Of Human Resource Management

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The human resources frame focuses on the personnel: needs and feeling of employees, their ability to learn and grow, their interactions and relationships; the role of the team-building in the organizational development. Looking through the human recourses frame can help a manager see if people are satisfied and inspired by their job or some improvements need to be done (Bolman & Deal 2013).
Human resource frame creates an opportunity for leaders to strengthen, empower and inspire employees for grow and professional development. Human recourses focused leaders are concerned with their staff’s professional goals and invest in their development and growth. Public administration can benefit from the embracing of the human resources frame. For instance, NASA was named one of the most desired organizations to work for (Kortesoja, 2013). An explanation of the organization’s attractiveness for prospective employees lays in NASA’s commitment to the human recourses’ values: support and promotion of talents, collaboration, and teamwork – the values associated with the Silicon Valley startups.
Downsides of the application of the human recourses single-framed approach in public sector
Despite all the benefits of the human recourses focused leadership, it has its downsides. First of all, it requires a lot of resources and …show more content…

It is also a frame that shows the organization as irrational. Bolman & Deal (2013) even use the image of theater, carnival, and drama to explain the frame. It is more about informal ideals and values than about formal rules and goal that hold the organization together. The symbolic frame of the organization refers to the emotional side of the organizational management. Bolman & Deal (2013) suggest a metaphor for the theatric act to the certain processes and procedures in the organization. Through this metaphor, authors describe such common procedures and actions as meetings, presentation, and demonstration of

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