The Importance Of Health Inequities In Indonesia

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Introduction The right to health is one of the basic human rights without distinction of ethnicity, religion, race or socio-economic conditions. As a consequence, all of people have the same right to the highest attainable standards of health both physically and mentally including access to various medical services with proper quality (WHO, 2008). Furthermore, the government should ensure the availability of health facilities to improve health conditions for all citizens. In fact, disparities in access to health services often occur in many countries (Barten, Mitlin, Mulholland, Hardoy, & Stern, 2007). One of the main factors that trigger such condition is the large geographical distance of the country. Indonesia is one of the countries with great discrepancies in terms of geographic and demographic conditions. Large topography, combined with huge differences in development, services and facilities has led to disparities in several aspects including access to health services (Susilo et al., 2013). In Indonesia, health inequity is very obvious in which people who live in rural areas having worse health outcomes and greater difficulty in gaining access to health facilities than those who live in urban areas (Nguyen, Bauze, Jimenez-Soto, & Muhidin, 2011). Since 1968 the Indonesian Government has established close-to-population health services through health community centers to increase health access for people (Kristiansen & Santoso, 2006; Rosser, 2012). However, in most of the remote areas, the quality of health centers is very poor due to lack of infrastructures as well as trained health staffs (Schröders, …show more content…

In addition, the purpose of this paper is to assess the possible strategy in improving access to health services in remote areas in Indonesia as well as to identify the benefits and limitations of the selected

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