The Importance Of Happiness In The Article 'Get Out Of The Groove'

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“Get Out of the Groove” Essay #1 Are people restricting their happiness? In the article, “Get Out of the Groove,” Catherine de Lange claims that happiness relies on taking chances. If human happiness is fueled by chance, then people are encouraged to break out of their comfort zone (de Lange). Some aspects that contribute to how happiness is improved in everyday life include technology, feelings of uncertainty or unexpected events, and conformity. Technology has become very important in today’s society. Almost everyone has a smartphone or some type of technological device. Due to technology’s popularity, it can actually help people to get out and take chances. Multiple apps for technology have been created to help people get out of their comfort zone (de Lange). However, some of the activities suggested, such as following someone for a short amount of time, may be a little too uncomfortable for both ends of the activity. This could be considered a weakness within the article, because following a stranger is a bit over the top …show more content…

For example, the revolution in France created a cultural phenomenon referred to as Flânerie. Flânerie is described as “aimless idle behavior.” Parisian Flâneurs had the hope of encouraging a certain wandering in city life. As a result, in the future, “cities became even more predictable as planners increasingly built them to conform to rigid ones” (de Lange). The history provided strengthens de Lange’s theory of “tyranny of modern efficiency” because it sheds light on how people rely on what others are doing in order to make decisions for themselves. For example, if a group of close friends want to do something, but one friend does not, most of the time that one person will eventually decide to go along with the idea. It is human nature to conform to the actions or beliefs of the majority in most

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